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Aditya Singhal - Age didn't stop him from being a reality show winner

Aditya has been the winner of India's Best Dramebazz show that was telecasted on Zee TV. He is India's first ever 12 year old cine star. He belongs to Pune but now known in whole world. "I was surprised to hear that even airlines going in and out of India played our shows on their televisions, which is a great honour knowing the amount of people who would have seen us! Zee TV is played in 153 countries!" says Aditya with a big smile.

Aditya spent 4 months at Mumbai where the show was shot. During this time he learnt many things that changed him a lot. "Being in the competition has made me a better person as a whole in every aspect- Humility, confidence, respect and, most importantly, the will to work as hard as you can!" signifies Aditya.

"I was hardly confident of my skills till the auditions and was pretty discouraged by the talent I saw around me! But as time passed and the weeks went by, the confidence with the skills grew after every performance!" shares Aditya.

"All the contestants lived together and practised together; ate and slept together too! We all loved each other on the set as well as backstage, and I don't think there was ever a sense of rivalry among us!" narrates Aditya. This was the bond that made the show a big hit with positive comments and attitudes among all the mentors, judges and participants.

All the children were given full support from parents for all their needs along with the schools which were very proud to have their students perform and showcase their talents on a national television.
aditya singhal,India's best dramebaaz winner
"Winning the show, or even entering for the auditions had not been possible without the inspiration and support of my grandmother, dad, mom and my elder brother. They were always there for me," says Aditya. His mentors in the show, who worked really hard training him and making a level up actor, are given equal credit to his winning the show. Last but not the least, the audience who kept voting from the first episode till the finale, was the super support.

He did lose on a term of studies but now he has coped up with everything and is studying hard again. "I stood first in class in my 8th standard after I returned," says Aditya proudly.

He looks up to every actor in Bollywood and Hollywood along with all the dramatists he has around him. "Honestly, I believe that there's something great I can learn from everyone in each form of life," says this passionate dramatist.

Aditya has signed a two year contract with Zee TV, and hence, cannot work in movies or advertisements without the channel's prior permission. But he still does drama shows in his city and appears in several auditions for movies. "I shall be back into action soon," says Aditya for his loving audience.
Aditya is passionate about working in this creative field. "I would love to see myself in the film industry, and more importantly, known for my talent. But for now, I am still learning and will continue to do so until I see myself doing great films and directing some heart touching ones myself!" says Aditya with dreams popping out of his eyes. They worked 18 hours a day and the shoots would be of 24 hours. They were expected to learn all the scripts in a day and this went on for 4 months!

"India's Best Dramebaaz being a reality show has shown us the way the world works! IBD taught me humility because one cannot carry an ego and expect to learn from others. It showed me that nothing can be achieved without hard work," says his experience of 4 months at this reality show.

His words on success were: "Success is what you achieve when you have a voice in the back of your mind that tells you to get up and move; which always reminds you of what you want and how badly you want it! Once you clearly know what you want to succeed in, you just need to work hard without getting distracted. Then you are bound to succeed!"

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 29th August 2014.
IJ Anita Tejwani
IJ Anita Tejwani is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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